Specialty groups helping family and the community at large.
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Scholarship Opportunities
Take advantage of the various education scholarships we offer
- Rafe M. Taylor
- Mount Airy Baccalaureate
- Lillie M. Sawyer
- Barbara J. Smith

New Initiatives
The Grant Committee is thrill to announce the Mount Airy Baptist Church was selected as one of the awardees of the 2021 River Smart Communities Grant. This honor was bestowed upon us by the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS).

Our Missions
The Home Mission Ministry currently serves the church & community by:
- Distributing communion kits to church members
- Coordinating local Food Banks and community recipients
- Assisting with housing, utilities & other critical needs.
- Delivering food and clothing to the homeless
- Partnering with other like-minded ministries & local organizations
The grant will be used to determine the best storm water management projects for our site that maximizes storm water treatment/retention and community exposure. We will be a showcase of designs surrounding rain gardens, green works, rain barrels, and also as a hub for the community to be educated in storm water pollution.
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Improve The Future For all
Know More About All Ministries

- Bible Study
- Church School
- Girl Scouts
- Puppets

- Bible Study
- Church School
- Girl Scouts
- Puppets
- Scholarship
- Ushers

Young Adults
- Bible Study
- Church School
- Scholarship
- Ushers